Verse 36 of surah yasin transliteration

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Bear you to such one the glad tidings of forgiveness, and a generous reward (i.e. You can only warn him who follows the Reminder (the Qur'an), and fears the Most Beneficent (Allah) unseen. It is the same to them whether you warn them or you warn them not, they will not believe.ġ1. And We have put a barrier before them, and a barrier behind them, and We have covered them up, so that they cannot see.ġ0. Verily! We have put on their necks iron collars reaching to chins, so that their heads are forced up.ĩ. Indeed the Word (of punishment) has proved true against most of them, so they will not believe.Ĩ. In order that you may warn a people whose forefathers were not warned, so they are heedless.ħ. (This is) a Revelation sent down by the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful,Ħ. on Allah's religion of Islamic Monotheism).ĥ. Truly, you (O Muhammad ) are one of the Messengers,Ĥ.

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